About some Books

A little plot of the book: “1822” by Laurentino Gomes
By Isabel Fusaro

The period of the independence of Brazil is not always very well studied. But it is very important to us, Brazilians, to understand those days, because they explain how Brazil became the nation that we all know. So, to help all history teachers of our country, Laurentino Gomes wrote “1822”, a book which is more than a simple didactic tool, it makes the readers involved by Brazil’s history.

 Here you can see a plot of the book that I loved and which I recommend to everybody:
In 1821, the Portugal’s king, D. João IV, who was in Brazil, was forced by the Portugueses to go back to his native land. He left his son D. Pedro in Brazil as the Prince Regent.

When he arrived in Portugal, D. João IV was forced by the courts to assign papers declaring that D. Pedro was not Brazil’s Prince Regent any more and that Brazil would return to the condition of colony.

The Brazilians became very angry and, in 7th September, 1822, D. Pedro declared the independence of the territory. But the Portuguese didn’t accept the independence, because Brazil was the richest area of the empire. Many provinces made an alliance (se aliaram ) to Portugal in the war against D. Pedro and his allies.

The war took over 3 years and many people died. Finally, in 1825, Portugal accepted the independence of the colony by the payment of 2 million pounds! Brazil was now officially independent and bankrupt!

Time passed, Brazil’s economy grew, but people were angry with D. Pedro. He was far too much authoritarian. So, in 1831, after being threatened of death many times, D. Pedro returned to Portugal and left in Brazil his son D. Pedro de Alcantara, 5 years old at that time.

This was the figure of D. Pedro I, the authoritarian and polemical man, who made Brazil’s independence, helped by his wife D.Leopoldina, José Bonifácio and by Official Cochrame.

A little bit about 1822

  By the same author of 1808 (Laurentino Gomes), the book is virtually a continuation of the historical context of the previous book and discusses the process of Brazilian independence, among many historical facts vital to the building of parents tual among them the arrival of the court, the revolution port, mining the disloyalty, the meeting of the courts, the system of weights and measures money at the time, until the day of the stay and the proclamation of the republic, but also covers the details about the social lives and profiles of Psychology  D Pedro, Jose Bonifacio , and even shows the differences and similarities betweenJose Bonifacio and Thomas Jefferson, the book provides a quick and efficient overview of the events that preceded the so unknown Brazilian independence process.

" Grito do Ipiranga" de Pedro Americo 
An informative book with a story that traps and surprises ... a book that all Brazilians should read.
Posted by: Nathalia Candal

Dear Book: 1822, by Laurentino Gomes

Posted by Carolina Arriel

For the loving ones of the history and curious, the indication of today is unmissable: "1822" (Laurentino Gomes). The book counts (with many details and basement in documents of the time) 14 years of the history of Brazil during the period that occurred the independence, shows as it happened and the changes that this generated, finishing in the death of Dom Peter I.

“This book looks for to explain as Brazil obtained to keep the integrity of its territory and if to firm as independent nation in 1822" , the author explains. "Independence resulted of a notable combination of luck, chance, improvisation, and also of wisdom of some charged leaderships to lead the destinations of the country at that moment of great dreams and dangers”.

Enjoy it!